Party Party Party on my mind! You like to party and we like to dress you party ready! Pun indented these t-shirts shout out loud that you are party ready! Disclaimer- Drink Responsibly.
Description- 15 BUTTONS Round Neck Tshirt
Quality- 100% Cotton Bio Washed
Shade - Grey Melange
Design - Cocktail
Washcare- Machine or Hand wash Cold
Proudly Made in India Delivery Time- 5 to 7 days within India Return Policy- Size Exchange or Credit Note valid 6 months
Party Party Party on my mind! You like to party and we like to dress you party ready! Pun indented these t-shirts shout out loud that you are party ready! Disclaimer- Drink Responsibly.
Description- 15 BUTTONS Round Neck Tshirt
Quality- 100% Cotton Bio Washed
Shade - Grey Melange
Design - Cocktail
Washcare- Machine or Hand wash Cold
Proudly Made in India Delivery Time- 5 to 7 days within India Return Policy- Size Exchange or Credit Note valid 6 months
Metro / Tier 1 Cities: 5 to 7 days
Tier 2 and 3 Cities: 8 to 10 days
In case you want us to deliver on or before a specific date, please reach out to us on-
WhatsApp- +91 9833691019
Instagram- 15buttons
Return and Exchange
Exchange and Return There is a ₹100/- Reverse Pickup Fee for us to book a Reverse Pickup. Incase you do not wish to pay the same you can Self Ship the product to our office address-
Apparo Lifestyle Pvt. Ltd., 205, A Wing, Vasupujya Estate, Laxmi Nagar, Goregaon West, Mumbai 400104 MH India.
Exchange Size: To avoid unnecessary size exchanges, we request you to refer the size guide properly before ordering. In case of twinning outfit if only 1 piece needs to be exchange, please return that only and NOT the entire set. Please note it takes 2-3 days for reverse pickup to happen and 7-9 days for us to deliver the exchanged size.
Product: Incase you are not happy with the overall color, fit, design or material of the product we can offer you a product exchange. The new product needs to be of same or lesser value. In case the value of new product is higher you only need to pay us the difference amount for the same. Please note it may take us 2 to 3 weeks also in a product exchange, incase of any travel date or occasion please inform us. Product Exchange needs to happen of the same category only. For instance, a Couple Outfit can be exchanged with another Couple Outfit only.
Return In case you are unsatisfied with the product you may return and we can issue Store Credits of Full Amount valid lifetime. Please note the credit points can be redeemed only once.
Your feedback is valuable to us and will help us serve you better, please feel free to reach out to us on or WhatsApp number +91 9833691019